Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions of Sale
All material and tool prices are plus tax, if applicable, and shipping. Express Polymers, Inc. accepts VISA, Master Card and
American Express. Payment in full for material is required at the time of the order. Charges will be registered when an
order is shipped. For existing customers wishing to set up an account, please request a credit application. Payment terms
on billed orders are net 30 days. 1½% per month will be charged on past due balances. Returned checks will carry a
$25.00 fee. Customer agrees to pay costs and attorney fees incurred in collection of past due invoices and accounts.
Should litigation become necessary in collection of your account, the venue will be Allegheny County.
Shipment is made in the way considered quickest, most economical and practical unless order specifies expedited
delivery. All tax and shipping will be billed as part of each order. The carrier is responsible for delivering your order
complete and in the same condition as when given to the carrier. Claims for damage should be immediately reported to the
carrier by the consignee and to Express Polymers.
Manufacturer recommendations for material storage are six months for 21 oz. Cartridges, bulk material and for mini-
cartridges. Material must be protected from freezing at all times.
Material warranties are as described in the Roadware product literature.
Material Return Policy
No material will be accepted for return unless the following conditions have been met:
- Express Polymers must approve materials for return before shipping or pickup. No material will be accepted without prior approval for return.
- No more than 20% of an order may be returned. Returned material may change the pricing and result in additional charges.
- No material will be approved for return unless it has been paid for in full.
- Credit for returns are contingent upon receipt inspection, assurance that cartons or containers have not been opened and that materials are in new condition for re-sale.
- All returns are subject to a restocking charge. The restocking charge is calculated depending on the material type and the quantity returned. Restocking charges will not exceed 20% of the sale price of the material.
- Shipping charges for returns will be assessed at cost plus 10% unless prepaid.
- Material returns may not be accepted between November 1 – April 30 (or earlier than November 1 if there is a freeze in the area of the user), as we cannot be liable for any material subject to freezing. Evidence of proper storage of material by the customer may be requested.
- Return credits/checks will be issued only after material is received in satisfactory condition and the conditions listed in this policy have been met.
- Approved returns meeting the conditions stated here must made within 90 days from the date of sale.